Organizational Culture Transformation

I believe that the cornerstone of strategic alignment is the identification of the organizational culture and its posterior adaption so that it better supports the business strategy as set out by senior management.

In order to do this you need two things

  1. Identify the present culture
  2. Transform the culture

Identifying the Culture: Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Identifying the culture is not easy, but it is possible. To start, good quantitative research instruments are needed. They need to be easy to use, because they have to be employed with a large number of employees and they need to provide a lot of data to allow a quick retrieval of a general snapshot of the organization’s culture.

However, statistics are not enough to truly understand a culture with all of its nuances, so qualitative research is necessary to identify those aspects that are really valued by the organization’s members.

Using our extensive field experience, the Douglas McEncroe Group has developed a questionnaire that allows us to obtain concrete data about our client’s culture. We have also developed interview methodologies which allow us to really understand the true nature of the culture.

Transforming the Culture

Although there is no quick easy fix when it comes to culture transformation, with diligent and coherent work it can be achieved. Many of our clients have. However, this transformation is not the work of a few bright sparks but requires the involvement of many members of the organization We have developed processes for large-scale group conversations ideal for this task. We start with a deep respect for the present culture and then execute our conversation processes with rigour. With this approach we have been successful in engaging a large amount of people in our client organizations in the task of identifying those elements than need to change, designing the actions to make it happen and developing the metrics to measure the progress.

There is nothing more effective when it comes to generating profits than an organization whose culture intrinsically supports the business strategy.

Whay I do



"Organisational change is only achieved through an integrated approach that includes the following elements.”

what i do strategic alignment coaching-follow up leadership programmes

Behind the three areas of Strategic Alignment, Leadership Programmes and Coaching/Follow-up, lie the five service lines: