Individual Executive Coaching

I have always considered coaching as one of many effective tools for developing leadership. It is most effective when it is aligned with the changes the organization needs in order to better execute its business strategy. My coaching approach helps the individual client clarify what his or her key leadership actions should be, and provokes behaviour change and even ways of thinking while simultaneously providing support through these changes. This approach has been successful in all of the 140 organizations in which my team and I have carried out coaching as an intrinsic part of leadership development projects.

In Spain, I was one of the pioneers in coaching and today I work as a coach in some twenty countries. It is a source of great personal satisfaction to me to see how my efforts in this field have helped hundreds of managers realize the personal transformations they were looking for.

I was first accredited as a coach at Ashridge Management College some twenty years ago and have since been accredited by CCL, OPP and Newfield. From the different coaching philosophies of these organizations and enriched by my own experience as a consultant working on organizational change, I have created my own style. I have rejected any dogmatic approaches to coaching espoused by different schools and preferred to take what I need from all of them to create the right mix, according to the needs of my clients, always trying to align the process to the changes the organization needs.

Today my team shares this flexible vision as we carry out coaching for managers of different levels, including, in my case, work with dozens of CEOs and members of their senior management teams.

Our greatest success is the lasting transformations in the people we coach. They in turn produce better performances not only from them but also from the teams they lead and their organizations as a whole.

What I do



"Organisational change is only achieved through an integrated approach that includes the following elements.”

what i do strategic alignment coaching-follow up leadership programmes

Behind the three areas of Strategic Alignment, Leadership Programmes and Coaching/Follow-up, lie the five service lines: