Entries Tagged as 'Culture'

Getting to the Important Stuff

July 27th, 2023 · No Comments · Culture, Leadership, Organizational Culture, Personal Development

Knowing how to manage your time seems like a skill that only junior managers would need to learn how to master. And yet, again and again I work with senior clients who are spending too much time on activities that are not creating long term value. Important but not Urgent Covey’s work back in the […]



What do you want

June 28th, 2023 · No Comments · Culture, Leadership, Personal Development

One of the hardest things in coaching, or indeed in consultancy, is getting people to the stuff that can really make a difference. So often a coachee, or even a senior management team, will beat around the bush with stories about their problems, about other people or about their competition. As a coach you can […]



More Serious People

June 2nd, 2023 · No Comments · Culture, Leadership, Organizational Culture, Personal Development

The recent TV series Succession has provided some valuable observations about life in organisations. Series director Mark Mylod  always interpreted the story of the Roy family as a Greek Tragedy, where the tragic destiny of the main characters was already set from the very beginning of the series, due to their personal flaws. And so, […]



It’s not personal, it’s systemic

May 16th, 2023 · No Comments · Culture, Leadership, Organizational Culture

Workers think that senior managers are heartless, arrogant and distant. Senior managers think that workers are childlike, blaming everybody and not understanding the need to get on board with the latest initiative. Middle managers are just too run off their feet to think anything at all and clients simply feel ignored and undervalued. If this […]



Dialogue Improves Results

May 2nd, 2023 · No Comments · Culture, Leadership, Personal Development

Conflict within organisations kill results.

The existence of unnecessary conflict between people in organisations is a real profit killer. The lack of true dialogue we see in our societies today plays out in our organisations, making collaboration between different areas of the business more difficult.

It’s time to get people having real conversations.




The responsibility of Leading

August 4th, 2019 · No Comments · Culture, Leadership, Personal Development

I am reading a biography of John Adams, a leading figure during the American war of Independence, one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence and the second president of the United States. I must admit to being a fan of this period of American history, I find it quite extraordinary the quality of […]



How to work across cultures

October 17th, 2011 · 2 Comments · Culture, Leadership

I recently worked in Singapore making it the 20th country in which I have delivered Leadership development programmes. But you don’t have to go to another country in order to manage cultural differences for in some of the courses for Electrolux that we have delivered in Stockholm, we have groups of 24 participants that were […]

