Entries Tagged as 'Sin categoría'

Achieving Vertical Development in Leadership Programs

November 21st, 2023 · No Comments · Sin categoría

In my last article I looked at how the study of history can help executives’ ability to think in more complex ways, as described in Robert Keegan’s ground-breaking work on cognitive development. Building on Piaget’s work that described the stages of development that all children go through on their way to adulthood, Keegan argued that […]



The Importance of Telling Stories

May 10th, 2023 · No Comments · Sin categoría

A number of years ago I attended a great two-week course at Harvard called “The Art and Practice of Leadership Development”. One of the sessions I remember best was given by a woman called Nancy Houfek, who, amongst other activities, had spent various years working in the theatre. Her session was on story telling, and […]

